Mask of Her Reflection in Venus
"Once a man named Tiresia steppes through a forest and sees two snakes in the act of sex. Arbitrarily he strikes one with his staff, which happens to be the female. For this violation the goddess of the wood condemns him to live as a female presumably for all life."
Ovid's Metamorphosis is tantalizing reminder that gender difference not as rigidly defined as nuclear society might wish it to be. A condition becomes a position that translates into a meaning. But is meaning a fixed quantumn of eternal consequence? In other words, is there a fixed position of virginal state and are all men frogs waiting to be changed to princes? I think life a mirror reflection as seen in a glass darkly. To see is not always to understand, and realize is not always to know. notions of strength and weakness are values greeatly misunderstood, and therefore misinterpreted. Beyond the biological importance imposed by conventionality of nature, are any of us only the sum of our experience? What does it really mean really to be male or female? Is one element of strength greater than the perceived weakness of another. Is it not rather analogist to deterministic forces that exist everywhere in the nature analytically observed? Within present value, there can be no true definition of things superior and things inferior. And just because something is today, does it mean it must always be defined immutable. For in the balance of things all things have a purpose and a season under the sun. This book is a collection of ten stories expressed through female protagonist, who are not defined by their gender, nor their relative position in the world. But do not think this book a political platform to express positions of confirming role identities. Nor that what expressed here has anything to do with sex or labels, which ultimately must lead to division. Rather, it strives to ask the reader to consider that one has already voiced answer to the religious and to the non-religious corundum, if only this meaning might be received heard through plain meaning.
As stated in Mathew 22, verses 29 and 30, Jesus spoke these words: Jesus answered and said unto them, "You are mistaken, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." (NKJ)
This collection of short stories I dedicate to all my beloved sisters. For through passage of time all things that are, changed to things that once were. And what is to be wondrous as the dream of a caterpillar to one day ride wind.. Author: L. A. Espriux
Ovid's Metamorphosis is tantalizing reminder that gender difference not as rigidly defined as nuclear society might wish it to be. A condition becomes a position that translates into a meaning. But is meaning a fixed quantumn of eternal consequence? In other words, is there a fixed position of virginal state and are all men frogs waiting to be changed to princes? I think life a mirror reflection as seen in a glass darkly. To see is not always to understand, and realize is not always to know. notions of strength and weakness are values greeatly misunderstood, and therefore misinterpreted. Beyond the biological importance imposed by conventionality of nature, are any of us only the sum of our experience? What does it really mean really to be male or female? Is one element of strength greater than the perceived weakness of another. Is it not rather analogist to deterministic forces that exist everywhere in the nature analytically observed? Within present value, there can be no true definition of things superior and things inferior. And just because something is today, does it mean it must always be defined immutable. For in the balance of things all things have a purpose and a season under the sun. This book is a collection of ten stories expressed through female protagonist, who are not defined by their gender, nor their relative position in the world. But do not think this book a political platform to express positions of confirming role identities. Nor that what expressed here has anything to do with sex or labels, which ultimately must lead to division. Rather, it strives to ask the reader to consider that one has already voiced answer to the religious and to the non-religious corundum, if only this meaning might be received heard through plain meaning.
As stated in Mathew 22, verses 29 and 30, Jesus spoke these words: Jesus answered and said unto them, "You are mistaken, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." (NKJ)
This collection of short stories I dedicate to all my beloved sisters. For through passage of time all things that are, changed to things that once were. And what is to be wondrous as the dream of a caterpillar to one day ride wind.. Author: L. A. Espriux